Psychological courage - i love this phrase! As someone in recovery from a childhood fraught with adults with addiction, emotional immaturity, and extreme dysfunction it is this exact skill that helps me shift my experience of life. To see all humans (including myself and my parents) as fallible beings - not evil - has freed me from so mu…
Psychological courage - i love this phrase! As someone in recovery from a childhood fraught with adults with addiction, emotional immaturity, and extreme dysfunction it is this exact skill that helps me shift my experience of life. To see all humans (including myself and my parents) as fallible beings - not evil - has freed me from so much heavy pain. I can offer compassion and forgiveness to myself and all who have harmed me without condoning the behaviors. I can set boundaries in relationships to keep them safe or end relationships that are dangerous and destructive. I can shift from making decisions and choices based on external factors/people to a more self-autonomous way of life. It's a challenging yet beautiful journey. Thanks for walking with me!
Psychological courage - i love this phrase! As someone in recovery from a childhood fraught with adults with addiction, emotional immaturity, and extreme dysfunction it is this exact skill that helps me shift my experience of life. To see all humans (including myself and my parents) as fallible beings - not evil - has freed me from so much heavy pain. I can offer compassion and forgiveness to myself and all who have harmed me without condoning the behaviors. I can set boundaries in relationships to keep them safe or end relationships that are dangerous and destructive. I can shift from making decisions and choices based on external factors/people to a more self-autonomous way of life. It's a challenging yet beautiful journey. Thanks for walking with me!