Aug 14Liked by Hazel Gale

Spot on ! But where ti begin. Let start with some very recent circumstances that serendipitously lead me to the fantasy world of Betwixt. It was an engaging journey that the various dreams sense scenarios lead me through. Although a bit campy and predictable it still held my interest enough to continue through to the end. Having some understanding in Jungian psychology and archetypical journeys I thought that it would merely provide a pleasant distraction without any meaningful insight. I was pleasantly surprised when components of shadow revealed them self.

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Remember when we met on Medium 7+ years ago? I was starting out on my Warrior’s journey, but had no idea what was coming!

I have written thousands of daily posts, battled cancer, self-published 5 books, and become an illustrator.

None of these adventures were on my “want-to” list or part of my conscious dreamscape.

Life is funny!

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The things you've accomplished - inspiring!

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Thanks Ellie. 😊

What I find most interesting is I never had any conscious desire to be an author or artist… it just happened… drip by drip.

How many of us miss out on doing really cool things because we are afraid, lack confidence, and/or simply won’t try?

I am blessed with a potent combination of support and challenge that keeps me going.

I wish the same for everyone!

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So true and well put!

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I'm so happy I stumbled onto Betwixt. I've liked J. Campbell for a long time, since his interviews eons ago w/ Bill Moyers. That was my first entrance into the hero's journey and the symbolisms we all face as humans along the road of life, and how myths can help and lead us. So for a long time, the Hero's Journey was okay, until I began reading about -- why a hero, not a heroine? Anyway, I utilized the journey as a template for my first novel. Call to adventure, etc etc. But now as to my own journey, I did hear the siren's call --it was to move to Mexico, again eons ago. My husband and I fell in love w/ the Mexican Caribbean after a trip to Isla Mujeres, deciding we'd move to MX some day. Each vacation we took was to the Yucatán; we traversed it, looking for the perfect fishing village. We found it, by accident, while hitchhiking on the Coba road when a kind stranger picked us up and told us about land he was selling on the coast. Fast forward, we bought that land, lost it to a land grab by eminent domain from MX govt, got another piece, that fell through and finally found land #3 after Hurricane Gilberto (class 5) that had wiped the house on it. Took us a few years to save, get our ducks in a row, but trust me, we were on our hero-heroine's WARRIOR journey! Big time. Built house in MX, rented it for a while, then drove down w/ cat in tow to our new place in our small pueblo, opened a bookstore, and voila! We did heed our own (unisex) Warrior call. So glad we followed our hearts. Thanks for this post!!!

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What an awesome warrior story. Thanks for sharing it!!

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Thanks for reading it!! Yes, an adventure and a journey!!!

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A most excellent question Hazel, one that is dear to my heart as you know. My call to adventure has been much more inward than outward. It has involved peeling away the layers of my conditioning (a work that continues with varying degrees of success) to see what lies beneath. It includes holding space for what is important to me, especially when it means I have to establish a boundary I'm uncomfortable with. I've also questioned time and again my deep desire to teach, coach and write as it's a journey that I've had to fit between the cracks of my daily life when I'd love to simply sink my time fully into it but life has not permitted. Is this something that I really want to do? The answer has been a resounding yes. It is my call to adventure.

I appreciate your excellent essays and videos that call us to consider the bigger questions.

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Very interesting, as always ! I really think my Call to Adventures is to write stories. As a writer, I want to put magic in everyone everyday life. Writing always makes me wake up on the morning. It saves me so many times. So, I'll continue, always. Thansk for this newsletter !

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You had me at "magic." Love this :)

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