Thank you Ellie and Hazel for this fantastic article. I appreciate the explanation and break down of differernt types of self-distancing. You are very clear on the benefits and lay it out simply (although I know it's not easy). Super informative! I'm going to share with my readers as I think they will get a lot out of it.

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So glad to hear you've found this useful, Donna! I've been fascinated by the research on self-distancing and the many practical ways we can use it. It's made a difference in my own life and I'm happy if others can get something out of it, too.

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Wow! This is another fantastic article which is so timely for me. I decided to use writing as a way of “getting it all out” earlier this week, but I found myself getting frustrated because it ended up making me feel worse. Now I know why! I was self immersing. Now I know to try self-distancing. Thank you ❤️

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Yay for serendipity!

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I loved this edition. I will keep it. I write in a journal for some years now but recently, I didn't know what to write because of all the emotions I've been keeping to myself. But this mail makes me want to write again. Thanks a lot !

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I think that's a common issue people find with journaling. The other is that we're often encouraged to do it, but we aren't told how, exactly. Nor are we warned about the traps of trying to make sense of intense emotions from an immersed perspective, and how it can reinforce the negative feelings, instead of allowing you to process them constructively.

I'm so glad that you feel inspired to put pen to paper again. Happy journaling!

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Mar 6Liked by Ellie Dee

This reminds me of an old project I had, where a duck character representing the struggling parts of myself would walk around and have quite bizarre encounters that represented and reframed elements of my day. I was doing the kind of writing you described here. It seems like it might be time to resurrect that project, especially as I’m working through the Betwixt narrative and getting towards the end. I’m really grateful for your work, Ellie and Hazel. I’ve been in the mental health system since I was 13 - that’s 24 years now - and I’ve never experienced anything like Betwixt.

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The duck sounds so cool. I can definitely see how you can tie it to your experience in Betwixt and since it's already a familiar character, it may be especially useful and poignant for you. Plus, resurrecting old projects is always bound to help uncover other, unexpected insights, as you look back on that past version of you.

I'm so happy that Betwixt is making a difference! It took a lot of the proverbial blood, sweat and tears to get where it is now, and reading about experiences like yours makes it all worth it.

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Mar 7Liked by Ellie Dee

I will bring back the Chronicles of Mallard! All good points you raise 👍

Yeah I can only imagine the hard work - even once you had developed the idea, bringing an app to market is an entirely different challenge, and the app design and functionality is flawless.

I’m looking forward to my final two Dreams, and I have noticed subtle but significant changes in the ways that I think since I’ve been spending time in the In-Between!

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Apr 10Liked by Ellie Dee

Wow. Yeah, that’s all I have for now. Going to read this again. And again. Thank you.

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Glad to hear that it resonates!

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Thank you for speaking to this! I often too ponder this, because words are powerful and they build worlds, but what worlds are we building with them?

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This is so beautifully put!

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Beautiful writing

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