This is fascinating and very helpful. First there’s the reminder to park our judgements at the door because we can never know what is in someone else’s mind and heart. Next it’s interesting to examine what may need to be taken away in order to stop feeding the monster, both in myself and others.

The dance of the archetypes is endless. I’d love to see you two amazing beings write more on this.

Thanks for another great essay!

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Thanks for this. I think for me I needed to first recognise that I have historically been trauma bonded to those who crap on me & my ideas. Awareness of this bond/behaviour pattern has better enabled me to step away from certain people's negativity, as well as to feel compassione towards such folk. As you succinctly point out, negativity usually comes from a place of unhappiness.

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I found this article really useful and can see it’s based on a lot of research. I love psychology too and it forms the basis of my daily work. I always try to be very mindful and understanding and it’s possibly rather ironic that I’m saying something which may sound critical when it’s definitely not meant to 🙏

Just one thing I would like to ask the authors or editors to consider, is to make the Betwixt script and text slightly more accessible and easier to comprehend. I’m a specialist teacher and have studied masters level postgrads but I seem to really struggle with some of the wording and layout of the articles whilst trying to digest the meaning before being able to embed it into daily practice. Maybe it’s part of overthinking that hinders me. Can you help? Can I help? I would love to be able to understand more to help myself and others. Thanks so much, Amy.

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Thank you for the feedback, Amy. We appreciate hearing from users and consider every perspective we hear.

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