I struggle with therapy because for me it is still performative. The only way that I have found works so far is art therapy and to talk about what I draw and NEVER make eye contact with the therapist.

I am the emperor who cannot take off his clothes. I have no idea what I am wearing, or indeed if I am wearing anything.

That’s worrisome when I think about it. So I happily live in a bubble of pretence. Unaware of whether I am authentic or inauthentic, clothed or not. As Chinua Achebe said “I have worn the mask so long that it has become my face” (sic). Or perhaps my face has become the mask.

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My story is different, of course, but I similarly struggle with knowing my truth in certain situations. I keep peeling away the layers but there's still an aspect that remains hidden to me.

How wonderful, and valuable, that you recognize the best way for you is to do art therapy and not make eye contact with your therapist. This is inner knowing at work, well done Denis!

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Jul 24Liked by Hazel Gale

This story brought me to tears. We all long for compassion and are often willing to give it to everyone but ourselves. Thank you so much for this beautiful retelling!

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Thank you Hazel and Ellie. Whew, this is a good one. Of course it showed up in my inbox exactly when I needed this gentle reminder. Accessing our truth is difficult sometimes, whether it's buried under conditioning or fear masquerading as something else. I am reminding myself I can get there is small steps that require my deepest inner attention.

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